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Fan-edited videos

The editing technology in database cinema not only allows professional filmmakers to create more interactive films, but also makes fan-edited films possible, which allows the audience or the fans to participate in the process of filmmaking and engage by editing.

Editing & Post Production


The article From the Director's Cut to User's Cut

introduces a new way of creation, suggesting filmmakers to release editorial control to users so that viewers can make their own versions of films(Benford, 2). Unprofessional viewers or fans who have high editing skills can create more interesting versions of films by reediting.


Editing is Everything

The popular YouTube channel Editing is Everything reedited lots of famous movies into different genre trailers. Editing is crucial in the process of filmmaking as the tone of the movie changes completely with the different editing versions of the film. For example, the YouTuber reedited Titanic into seven different genres: horror, biblical, Disney, romance and so on. The original genres of Titanic are romance and drama, but after reediting using the footage of the original film, the YouTuber successfully turned the film into a horror movie(Editing is Everything). This shows that many unprofessional editors can also make great films by editing through database.

(Editing is everything, 2021.)

Laughing at the Movies



Meanwhile, fans are eager to interact with the films they like. The videos they made can be more suitable for other fans to discuss and enjoy. Likewise, database cinema gives a chance for all audience to interact with the films. Instead of just sitting in the cinema and watching the films, people can rewatch the films online or on DVDs and then reedit the movies in their own understanding. In other words, people can act on the films they watch by recreating through database. Therefore, the rise of database gives fans and audiences an opportunity to engage in films by editing.

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