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Film Reels

New media is a response of digital technology. Database cinema starts with the elements in the database, and generates the story by rearranging, selecting, and combining elements from database(Gauthier). Chris Hales demonstrates in his book Interactive Cinema in the Digital Age how interactive cinema is directly related to the underlying technologies. Interactive cinema is an example of database cinema, since it can be thought as pre-recorded moving-image sequences, and the display of which can be affected by the audiences(Hales, 15). I argue that as the development of digital technology and the rise of database, new media such as database cinema gives the creators more possibilities to edit films, which allows them to produce more interactive films for the viewers. Professional directors reedit their films to express themselves or to find a better version for audiences. Fan-edited films give the viewers a chance to act on their favorite films. More essentially, all audiences have a chance to choose and control the narrative of the film in interactive films.

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